Desde la ciudad hasta el mar

January 23, 2016  •  1 Comment


Bombillas y mates for sale in Retiro Bus Station, Buenos Aires

Yesterday was one of those travelers transition days, going from point A to point B on the map. We left BA at about ten AM and after a long but comfortable bus ride southeast across the a small portion of Argentina’s sprawling pampas, we arrived in Villa Gesell, a small beach town on the Atlantic coast. On the way, I had a photographer’s deja vu: somewhere in my files of black and white negatives from our '77 journey, I have an image of Shelley reading a book on the bus we were taking across another part of the same pampas to Cordoba. I couldn’t help but make another one of her to complement it, but just a glance to the guy across the aisle was enough to bring me back to 2016.

Deja vu

We arrived in Villa Gesell around five and took a taxi to the Hosteria St. Germain which is conveniently located a stone’s throw from the beach. Just as we finished checking in, a torrential storm rolled in off the Atlantic. It had all the drama of those we knew from living in Southeast Asia, torrents of rain blown onshore by high winds, accompanied by lightning and loud cracks of thunder. The power went out and with it the internet. About an hour later as the downpour turned to a drizzle we went out to find a place for dinner. We had to negotiate our way around the flooded streets and the ATV gauchos. 


An ATV Gaucho


and the authorities were amused.


Those are some pretty fancy mate cups; very different style from the Paraguayan horn.
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