Where have I been so long?
Heaven Calling, BA's "City of the Dead" Dear Loyal Readers, It has been a long stretch between now and my last entry. Since we left Buenos Aires on an overnight bus on Monday night (Feb. 1), access to the internet has been sporadic and when it's there it's slow. I have been keeping notes and making photos, so here is a recap of some of my impressions over the past few days. Jan 28 - A Gothic Experience
Waiting for lunch in the tree-shaded garden of the Buller Brewing Co. a micro-brewery that makes a pretty good tasting IPA. It’s located just outside the Cemeterio de la Recoleta, BA’s legendary “city of the dead,” or one of the most unusual cemeteries you’d ever visit. It does sound a bit morbid, and it certainly has the capability to put you in a gothic mood, but the range and elaboration of statuary and the architecture of the tombs are enough to impress even the most ardent atheist. It is the last resting place for the city’s elite, past presidents, professionals and generals. It is also where Argentina’s most famous first lady, Evita Peron, whiles away her eternal days. In many ways, it is a monumental metaphor for the faded and tarnished glory of this country’s past. A fork in the road, the streets of BA's Cementerio de la Recoleta
Here Lies a Well Read Man Not To Be Forgotten O "Old Soldiers Never Die, They Just Fade Away" Comments
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